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Updated Favorite Books List

I have been meaning to alter my favorite book list for some time now. The books I had chosen before were ones that I had once considered my top 10 favorite books. However, due to my reading habits and having been reading more books since last year, I have come to the conclusion that there were now new books I called my favorites to replace the old ones.

Anyway, this is my new list and a short reasoning to why these books are now my new favorites.

Every Last Word by Tamara Ireland Stone

For the longest time I said that The Fault in Our Stars was my number one favorite book. That changed the day I finished reading Every Last Word by Tamara Ireland Stone. I have read many books where I have related to and felt for the main character, but never have I felt to be able to relate to a character on such a personal level with her anxiety. On top of that I also loved the characters, the relationship within the story between Samantha and her therapist, and even a surprise twist that made me put the book down for a second I was so shocked. I talk more in depth about this book in my review of it on this blog. Please check it out if you have not and want to know more about this book &/or my opinions on this book.

The Sun is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon

The Sun is Also a Star is another one of my favorites of mine. While Everything Everything I went from really loving to thinking is was just okay (more due to the ending), I never felt that with The Sun is Also a Start. In fact, I loved The Sun is Also a Star, especially for the ending. This story has one of the best "insta love" stories I have ever read and has an ending that almost had me in tears. Not because it was sad, but more because it made me so happy. I am so grateful that Nicola Yoon blessed us with this amazing book. The multiple point of views are my favorite part and so unique. I love how Yoon was able to write in the various styles and points of view. This entire story is amazing and I hope if you have not picked it up yet you will.

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

The Fault in Our Stars is still one of my favorite books and a book I hold very near and dear to my heart. I loved the writing style, the characters (Augustus was probably my first book boyfriend lol), and just the overall book. I really do not have much to say about this book because honestly it is more something I think people have to read for themselves and see the beauty of it. I hope that does not sound lazy or anything, just feel that the book more speaks for itself.

Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell

I have read many "fandom" or "fangirl/fanboy" themed books in the past few years. Fangirl however, was the first type of book I ever read about a "fangirl." This book also did not only deal with fandom life thought. It also talked about social anxiety, something I could relate to and honestly one of the first times I had read a YA book where I really related to the character on multiple levels. I had read a few books where I relate to the character, but something about Cath just made her so much more relatable on such a larger level. I loved the book for all it is and think it is a great read.

When Dimple Met Rishi by Sandhya Menon

This is one of the latest books I have read that made it to this list. The reason being was the romance was honestly one of the cutest I have ever read, the characters as individuals were interesting and great, I had enjoyable side character moments, and so much more. This book is not only one of the best books I have read all year, but best books I have read ever.

Simon Vs. The Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli

I read this book in one night. Honesty I finished it about 3 a.m. Why is that? Because I could not put it down. This book was so good. I loved the writing style, the side characters, the main character of Simon, the mystery of who Blue was, the emotional moments, the happy moments, etc. I really can not think of one thing I did not enjoy in this novel. I can't wait to read Upside of Unrequited because I am betting I am gonna love that book just as much as as Simon.

Second Chance Summer by Morgan Matson

This book will always have a place in my heart because it was the first book I can really remember making me bawl aloud. When I first read this I was very iffy about the whole flashbacks between and felt the argument between Taylor's friend and her was kinda childish and not as big as I thought it would be. However, what made up for that and what made this book become one of my favorites was the family dynamic between Taylor's family members. The emotions they are going through due to her father's cancer and all the smaller changes occurring within the family are phenomenal to read about and really tug at your heart strings. I loved seeing so much development in one book and feel like just on the family dynamic alone, everyone should read this book.

Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover

I have tried to read other books by Ms. Hoover and sadly I have not been as impressed as I really wanted to be. Maybe Someday was okay and Confess was pretty disappointing sadly. I have also not had much time or desire to pick up any of her other books, especially after some of the stuff I have heard about certain ones (cough cough November 9th cough cough). However, I do have to say I really loved Ugly Love. When I first read it I was scared it was going to be something that was like 50 Shades with the whole "enemies with benefits" type of situation happening. What I got though was a really interesting and well written book that was not just sex scenes. Of course the book had sex in it, but I mean it was not just a book with no plot. The story of why these two people are the way they are was intriguing to read about and I never felt like I wanted to go back to the flashbacks too much or back to present day too much. I was interested in both the past and present. I really liked both the characters of Tate and Miles as well and really thought the ending was sweet and fit well with the circumstances of these characters lives. I really loved the minor characters as well including a older man named Cap who ended up being probably my favorite character in the entire book with his funny one liners. The only issue I had with it was that there was a kinda creepy part at the beginning with young Miles saying this girl he just saw for first time is the woman he is gonna marry. Maybe that is romantic to some, but to me it just came off as really creepy and uncomfortable. Other than that part though, I really liked this book a lot more than I thought and am glad I took the time to read it.

The Duff by Kody Keplinger

Speaking of books that I am glad I read, we have The Duff. This book is a prime example of don't judge a book by the movie. While I love the movie cast, I really felt the movie was lacking and was disappointed in the direction it took. I almost gave this book away actually, but I decided to give it one chance and oh my gosh I am so glad I did. Not only is this book not like the film, it is ten time better than the film. This book has more a "enemies with benefits" situation, which is a unique premise for a YA book. Even more so, this book includes things about alcoholism, sexual relationships, neglect, and just so much more. This book deals with so many heavy topics that the movie sadly ignored or glossed over. And the things they did focus on ended up either not being in the book at all or rarely talked about. This book is fantastic and I highly recommend you read it, whether you want to see the film, hated the film, loved the film, or are just curious about the story. Trust me, you will not regret it.

All The Feels by Danika Stone

I already have a review and author Q&A for this book, so I want to keep it kinda on the short side. However, if Fangirl is my first and favorite fandom related book, this is my close second. This book was a great read from beginning to end. I loved the fandom culture references that anyone in a fandom can relate to. I loved being able to see and understand how the main character Liv felt when it came to her fandom and other people not understanding. Not only that I really loved being able to see Liv's life beyond her fandom and how she deals with her school, future, and more. The book even has some good bi rep in it that I felt was a perfect mixture of not making someone's sexuality their only character trait, but also not ignoring or trying to hide the fact that the character of Xander is bi. I really liked that and felt it was just one of the many well done parts of this story. Whether you are a big fandom member or just a reader looking for a great book, this one is sure to make you smile.

I hope you all like my new updated list. Let me know if you like or dislike any of these books or have any more book recommendations for me in the comment section.

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