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Dangerous Girls by Abigail Haas Review

Premise: Basically, the book is about a group of teenager on spring break. Anna, the narrator, Tate, her boyfriend, and Elise her best friend are all on spring break along with their other friends. When going back to their room they find Elise killed in her room. While the others are able to go free, Anna is being held on trial for the murder of Elise. Throughout the book we are shown into the case of the murder as well as what is happening behind the scenes, flashbacks to Anna's life when she met Elise or started dating her boyfriend or during spring break before the murder,other evidence including text messages and maps of the beach house, and even into some of the news interviews on both sides about Anna on either the opinion of how she is a murderer or how she is innocent depending on the point of view of the interviewer. The book has a lot of twist with who you think the villain is, I feel that because of the fact the reader is so focused on the murderer seeming like one person or another, we as readers do not realize the biggest plot twist of all, who the murderer was all along.

This is where I leave all you spoiler free people.I will be making huge spaces in the next few lines to show that I wrote above major spoilers. If you want to see my closing arguments you can read so at the bottom next to words "closing statements:"


Spoilers: So I want to talk about the ending of the book cause it is kinda huge. So like I said before all this time you are thinking one person or the other had committed the murder. We start to get hints of the real true murderer in the 2nd to last chapter and finally the last scene and line of the final chapter. First let me remind you the narrator of this first person book is Anna. It is being told from her perspective. So when you find out the murderer you really are shocked to discover Anna was the one who murdered Elise. This is because most people including myself didn't even think of this as a possibility. There were some clues in the book, but most reviews I have seen seem to agree that they had no idea that Anna was the murderer of Elise. The clues in the book were as I said hidden, but the biggest ones were in the last two chapters of the book. The first is when she is going to the grave to put down the necklace that Elise and her each had identical ones to. This necklace is a pentagram (which was mentioned earlier in the novel) and if that does not give you a clue, when she bends down Elise says "I win." When I read that I will admit I was a bit confused because I did not fully comprehend the fact that Anna could very well be the murderer. Then I got to the ending. And that ending...well what can I say but "What did I just read?" I honestly did not comprehend it at first when I read it. I admit I had to look up exactly if she really was the murderer because honestly it felt I was lied to. It felt like everything I had just spent the last few hours reading was a lie. Then I realized that was the point. It was supposed to show us how Anna was such a crazy and psychopathic person that she had been able to trick even the people she was telling the story to (aka us the readers) that any other possibility,besides her being the murderer, was possible. I think that is honestly brilliant on the writers part because it was creative, unique, and unexpected to the reader for the most part. I have never read a book where the murderer was the narrator and did not flat out say it. That twist still has me baffled and I can not wait to read the book again to try to see more signs of Anna actually lying to us because I am sure there are more hidden in the story I have yet to see.

Ending Statement: Alright, if you read the spoiler part thank you and if not thank you still for reading my review. This book is a sadly underrated book I really hope more and more people read This book has an interesting premise, good story line, and a twist ending you don't see coming. I highly recommend this book and give it 4.5 stars. It is not the best book I have ever read or anything, but it is really good and I definitely want to re read the book.

**** 1/2 stars out of *****

- Jessica

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