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Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me ? (And Other Concerns) by: Mindy Kaling

I had to write this review for an amazingly hilarious book I just read. That book is Mindy Kaling's memoir/biography "Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (and other concerns). The book is written by Emmy Nominated writer and actress Mindy Kaling. Mindy has written and stared in shows such as The Office and The Mindy Project. In the book Mindy recounts memories from her childhood, how she got into comedy writing and acting, her journey so far in the acting business, and even little bits about Mindy and her opinions about everything from men to how she wants her funeral to be. Mindy is honestly a hilarious and funny writer. The book had be laughing out loud which not since The Fault In Our Stars have I laughed out loud while reading a book ( I laughed at some funny parts of TFIOS, so if you are wondering why I was laughing at a book that is known for being sad, but good that is why). I really wish I could write more on this book but It honestly is a speak for itself kind of book. You have to read it yourself to really understand how entertaining this book really is. I love Mindy and cant wait for Mindy Project to return (one more week after new girl season premier, my favorite TV show by the way) as well as see any new TV shows, movies, books, etc. that Mindy may be completing. All in all it was a really good book and I hope you readers think so too.

4.5 stars out of 5.

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