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Books, YouTube, and Our Evolving Connections Between The Two.

Words typed on paper and videos shown on out phones and computers may be more similar than we have thought. As we evolve and change through time, so has our media and way of communicating different stories to each other. What once was only on pages can now be read on computer screens and what once could only be written in letters can now be sent almost anywhere anytime at the click of a button and a few characters on our cell phones. While books have been around for many centuries and I predict will still be around even after you and I have left this earth, people everday are thinking up new ways to connnect the old and new to help relate and convey certain stories, emotions, ideas, and plenty more to a wide array of audience members. Youtube and Books are just one of the ways this is exemplified.


BookTubing is an activity that many avid readers and reviwers have not only enjoyed, but participated in as well. The activity of BookTubing is basicially a Youtube user discussing books they have read, have books hauls, do TBR ( to be read) videos, book review videos, etc. Booktubing can be a rewarding exerperience as it can help introduce many people to not only books they may want to read, but new opinions, ideas, and even friends. Some of my favorite book tubers include.

Book Web Series

Book realted webseries have been going on for a few years now and with the success of the Lizzie Bennet Diaries, have been becoming more and more well known and popular among actors, readers, and viewers alike. Some book web series are modern retellings of classic stories such as Anne of Green Gables or Pride and Prejudice. Others, are stories all there own but feature books and/readers as the main characters, themes, and plot points within and throughout the narrative. These webseries can be fun, addicting, as well as some viewwers favorite videos to watch on YouTube. Some of my personal favorites include:

The Lizzie Bennet Diaries

The Lizzie Bennet Diaries are a webseries created by Hank Green (VlogBrothers Fame) and Bernie Su. The show is a modern retelling of Pride and Prejudice featuring a cast of loveable characters and modern twist which are able to help bring Jane Austen's masterpiece to the 21st century while being sure not to insult or ruin the original material.

The New Adventures of Peter and Wendy

If you have ever wondered what the characters of Peter Pan would be like in our world, here is your chance. This webseries ( created by Kyle Walters, who plays Peter in the series, and Shawn deLoache who is the writer of the show) follows the responsible, but also dreamer Wendy Darling who dreams of leaving her home town of Neverland, now that she has finished college. Peter on the other hand is more of slacker who seems content with being lazy and staying right where is aka "never growing up." The series not only focuses on the realtionship between Peter and Wendy, but also the theme of growing up and dealing with the pros and cons of maturity and impending adulthood that we must all face.

Classic Alice

If I had to name my favorite book related webseries it would have to definetely be Classic Alice. This webseries was created by Kate Hackett ( who also plays Alice in the show) and is attracting a decent amount of followers. The story told is of a college student Alice Ramsey who decides to create a project to help better undersand books ( a subject she loves) and the relation to her personal life by trying to live her life by classic books. This means that with the help of her friend Andrew Prichard she is on a mission to not only read classic book she has never read before, but use those books as guidelines and inspiration to help and lead her through her everday life. The themese featured in the series range from everything to romantic relationships, politics, staying true to ones self, standing up for what is right, and many more.


Epic Reads

While this is not a webseries, the videos featured on this account (which is run by Epic Reads of Young Adult division of Harper Collins Publishing) are not only relatable to readers but funny and entertaining to watch as well.

- Jessica

Disclaimer: I do not own any of these videos or webpages that I listed above. These are owned by the people whom are the creators of those certain yotube channels and in no way have given me any kinds of rewards or prizes (including money) to have them featured in this list. The above videos and channel links are related souley to my own opinion and nothing more.

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