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Book Con 2017 Part 1

For years I have been wanting to go to Book Con. To be able to get ARCs, talk to bloggers, meet authors, & more.

Finally, after years of waiting, I got my chance this weekend. And it was fantastic.

On Friday we got into NYC in the early afternoon. Alyssa (pucksandpaperbacks) and I, met up with Karla (BooksAndOtherNerdyThings) and Sabrina (Sabrina the Teenage Reader). After going to the hotel we walked around New York City and I not only got to visit Grand Central Station for the first time, but ride the subway, visit Forbidden Planet ( one of the coolest comic stores ever) and The Strand. The Strand is a few floor book shop that is huge and one of the coolest bookshops in New York City. Something I love about it is that the sections of the store are broken up not just by age and genre, but sub genres too. So I would go to the young adult book section on the top floor, and there was a whole section with just YA contemporary books aka my favorite book genre. Another section had fantasy and sci fi, another had art books, and so on.

The YA Contemporary section at The Strand

Book Store

The other thing I loved about the Strand is how they had the bench from one of my favorite movie to book adaptations, The Fault in Our Stars. It was unbelievable that I was able to be sitting where Ansel and Shaliene sat. I loved being able to take the photo of me sitting there and was so grateful for this opportunity I never thought I would get.

Sitting on the bench from The Fault in Our

Stars at The Strand book store.

The next day we got up and were up at around 6 or 7 am. My advice to anyone thinking of going to book con is to get there early, especially on the first day. We ended up taking subway to where the Javit Center was and waiting in line for about maybe 2 hours. Luckily I was able to find some people to talk to in line about what we would be doing that day, so the time went by faster.

When we were finally allowed inside, my group and I kinda split up for a bit and went to our own signings and the booths we wanted to go to and more. I did not have any signings and I was not interested in panels, so I spent most of the day going to different booths, waiting in lines, meeting people, and getting free stuff. Some of the highlights of my day included the Epic Reads Lounge, , Meeting William Daniels, Wonder Woman screening, and Meeting Nicola Yoon.

The Epic Reads Lounge I was not intending to to go to, but I ended up going there and having a blast. The line was to be able to meet a few different authors, have one on one time with them, get book signed, and more. You needed to have the book with you to sign and I did not really know many of the authors in the epic reads lounge. However, something that is great about it is that once I was in the lounge I had such an enjoyable time talking to authors, learning more about books, and even winning a few little prizes and getting some autographs. I loved being able to learn about books I may want to read in the future and definitely added some to my Good Reads list that day.

The next thing I got to do that day was meet William Daniels. I was and still am a huge Boy Meets World fan growing up. So when I saw Mr. Feeney was going to be at convention to say I was excited would be the understatement of the century. Even for being 90 year olds, Mr. Daniels was still very happy to take photos and sign books and talk to people about his life. A fun fact I learned while in line was that the woman seated next to Mr. Daniels was not only his wife in real life, but also played his wife on Boy Meets World. Anyway, it was a real treat to meet one of my favorite Boy Meets World actors and I wish William Daniel's luck with his book sales and any other future endeavors.

Getting book signed by William Daniel's

After getting a few other free items and books and meeting people, I was ready to go to The Wonder Woman screening I won.

So I am splitting this post up into two because I have a lot to talk about and a lot to do today, but I hope you all have an enjoyable weekend and I am looking forward to continuing this is next weeks post.

Next Post will be Wonder Woman, Meeting Nicola Yoon, failing to get an ARC, and goodbyes.

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