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Book Con Wish List

Hello Readers!

Only about one week till I am in New York City for Book Con! To say I am excited would be an understatement. This is, as I have said before, my first time going to Book Con so I am thrilled to be able to be going with 3 amazing girls: Alyssa, Sabrina, and Karla. Sabrina and I are Book Con newbies I believe, while Karla and Alyssa are Book Con vets. While I did not get any signatures I wanted I am happy to say that between in-booth signings and other possibilities, I will possibly be able to meet a few of my favorite authors and also get a lot of cool books and swag. This is my wish list for Book Con and in New York City in general next weekend:

1) Get to Meet Sarah Dessen at her In Booth Signing.

2) Get to Meet Mayim Bialik at her In Booth Signing!

3) Get to go to various Publisher booths like Penguin, Harlequin, Scholastic, etc.

4) Get as many free books and swag as possible!

5) Make new book lover friends and possible followers!

6) Have a fun time meeting Sabrina, and Karla (I already know Alyssa)!

7) Go sight seeing in New York City!

8) Possibly Do Meet Ups!

9) Possibly see a Broadway or Off Broadway Show in New York City (possibly Avenue Q)!

10) Have a great time overall with Alyssa, Sabrina, and Karla :)

I wish everyone a happy and entertaining week and if you are going to Book Con and follow me on social media(or even if you don't) please feel free to say Hi!

I will probably not be making a post next week, but the week after Book Con I will do a post about my experience and everything, so please be on the look out for that.


- Jessica

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