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The Fill-In Boyfriend Review

I am so sorry that I have not been updating as much. School, work, and other activities have gotten in my way recently. Anyway though I will try to go back to updating this blog on a weekly or at least bi-monthly basis. Hopefully as the semester comes to a close, things will slow down.

The Fill-In Boyfriend was the first Kasie West book I ever read. I have been meaning to read her for some time and I got her book from Book Outlet. That being said I did enjoy the book. I did not love it like I was hoping I would, but did find it very cute.

The story is of a girl named Gia whom on the night of Prom gets dumped in the parking lot by her boyfriend Bradley. Scared she will not be able to impress her popular friends, she quickly persuaded the older brother of one of her classmates, as well as a total stranger, to pretend to be her date, Bradley for the night. Once the night is over Gia soon is caught up in both the lie, a debt to pay, and possible feelings for "Fake Bradley."

This book was very "romantic comedy esque." While I was reading I could easily picture this book being the perfect teen rom-com. And while I do enjoy these types of movies occasionally, I like to see more from them then just the teen hijinks and romance aspect of them. We did get that a bit when It went into Gia's family and her feelings about her friends and popularity in general. However, I felt like there could have been more. With this story, it was too cute at times and I wanted more of a balance between serious and funny. Another issue I had is I felt like I wanted more of an ending and that I had grown to enjoy these characters so much, that I wanted more than what I got from them.

I liked the character of "Fake Bradley" (his name is a spoiler for most of book so I don't want to mention it here) and especially enjoyed his sister, Bec. Gia was kind of an unlikable character for me at first, but she did grow on me as the story progressed. I especially loved the scenes with Gia and her brother and how he makes her realize the kind of person she is, even if it can be seen as pretty harsh.

All in all, I did like the story and it did make me want to read more of Kasie West. It had its issues, but nothing to make it a bad or problematic book. Overall I give it 3 out of 5 stars.

*** out of *****

Until next time fellow book lovers,

- Jessica

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