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Disney Book Tag

Usually I do book tags on my BookTube channel, but I found this one and could not help but try this one. I hope you all enjoy. I got this originally from this book blog:

1. A whole new world - Pick a book that made you see the world differently.

A book that made me see the world differently was probably Perks of Being A Wallflower. The book is so raw and real that it does make you realize all the pain, joy, and everything in between that high schoolers can go through. It talks about real issues and does no sugar coat anything that I appreciate very much. 2. Cruella De Vil - Pick your favorite villain. I honestly can not think of any off top of my head that I really loved. 3. I won't say I'm in love - Pick a book you didn't want to admit you loved. The Duff I did not think I was going to love at all. I really did not like film so I was not expecting much from the book, but I had to say that I was surprised how much I liked it and as much as I hated to admit I was wrong, I was wrong about my original opinion of the novel and did actually enjoy it. 4. Gaston - Pick a character that you couldn't stand. Patrick in Me Before You, I could not believe how irritated I was by Patrick. He was rude, controlling, and just an all around awful boyfriend to Lou and annoying person. I have never wanted a book character to be killed off or written out of the book completely as much as I did with Patrick.

5. Part of your world - Pick a book set in a universe you wish you could live in.

This may be an easy one and something everyone says, but I have to say Harry Potter. Going to Hogwarts and being able to learn magic, travel around a castle, go to Diagon Alley,etc. I would just love to be around all magic, mystery, and everything that the Harry Potter universe has to offer.

6. A dream is a wish your heart makes - describe what the book of your dreams would be like.

The book of my dreams would be a book about a girl working in NYC in book publishing industry (if anyone knows any book that matches the description please let me know in comments) 7. Someday my prince will come - What book character would you marry if you could? Three way tie between Augustus Waters from The Fault in Our Stars, Four from Divergent, or Levi from Fangirl 8. I see the light - Pick a book that changed your life. A book that changed my life (I am cheating a bit here I will admit) is not actually a book but a series. The Junie B Jones books. Those are the books that made me love reading and without them I do not know if I would even be writing this blog right now. It is the first time I also could really relate to a book character. 9. When you wish upon a star - Pick a book you wish you could reread for the first time. The book I wish I could re read for first time would have to be Second Chance Summer. That was the first book that made me bawl my eyes out and even though it made me sad, I enjoy books that can pull at my heart strings and make me emotional so I would like to be able to read that again. 10. I just can't wait to be king - Pick a book with some kind of monarchy in it. A book with a monarchy in it had to be Cinder. Though the world is dystopian I really love the mix between futuristic and fairytale elements they merge together.

11. Colors of the wind - Pick a book with a beautiful colorful cover.

A book that had a great cover, in my opinion, would have to be I'll Give You The Sun by Jandy Nelson. While the cover may be simple, the use of rainbow streaks around the title really intrigued me to want to read description. The paper back in my opinion is even more gorgeous as it features a quote from the book in rainbow colors on the front cover then allows you to open the flap and see the original cover inside

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