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You First Book Review

When I first received this book I was a bit skeptical if I would like it. Though I loved Lea Michele and her last book, Brunette Ambition, this novel was different. While it does have some small dialogue from Lea herself throughout the book, most of it is journal space which asks the reader questions and gives them space to answer them. This can be a positive or negative depending on your opinion and like or dislike of journaling and writing. For me personally, I enjoyed it.

The book gives you a chance to not only learn a little more about Lea's life and beliefs, but our own as well. For instance, their is a section that talks about Family Trees and it discusses a bit about Lea's family life, but then gives spaces to write your own family tree and history as well. This gives a great space to not only write out your family history, but a chance to talk to your parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, etc. about your family and where they exactly came from, when, what they did in America when they first arrived, and etc.

There is not really a lot to say about this book sadly, not that this is not a good book, it is just about 75% journal entires and because everyone's story is different I am not able to write everyone's story, however I will tell you this book lets your into Lea's life as well as your own. So if you are a person who enjoys these kind of journals I think this will be great for you and even if you are hesitant if you love Lea Michele. I think you will love this book, just as much.

I received a free copy of You First by Lea Michele in exchange for an honest review

enjoys writing, learning about another

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