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My Book Tube Chanel

Dear Readers,

So I know I said I was going to try try updating soon, but sadly life and school have gotten in the way and I just have not had the time I wish I did to do book reviews or anything like that. Anyway, I do have some exciting news though. Now you can probably tell by the title that I am annoucing that I have created a Book Tube Channel. I did have one video up a year ago, but I have finally started to try and update my videos and make at least one per week.

Now I have been unable to really edit them and I will admit these are kind of awkard at best because again this is my first time really making youtube videos. I am going to try to get better at them, learn more editing techniques, get a better camerea, etc. For right now though if you would like to subscriber or at least watch, I will post some below as well as the link to the channel.

I will try to update this blog more, but I am sadly not going to be able to as much at least until the summer as I have so much to do with keeping my channlel updated, internship stuff, work, school, extra curiculars, etc.

Anyway I hope you guys check out my channel I am linking my book tube chanel below and adding the videos below ( I have done 3 so far). I try to do a video or two a week, but I am fairly new to this so I know the quality is not great but again I trying to do some things to help make the videos better, I just need some time.

Thank you for reading and check out my channel and videos below.

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