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Upcoming Announcements

Dear Readers,

Happy 2016! I hope that you all are having a good year so far. This year I am hoping to try to update this website more. The problem I am having is I have not been able to read as many books I have wished I could this year. I think I only read maybe 10 books in 2015 (which is really bad for me compared to what I used to read). I have my TBR book pile ready and cannot wait to read more of it. Currently I am reading I'll Give You The Sun by Jandy Nelson and The Willing Widow by Ursula LeCoeur. I am hoping to finish both books in the next few months and write reviews for them. Until then however I will try to maybe write reviews for books I already read as well as other book realated articles. Here is a sneak peek of what is to come (note: not all of these post dates or TBD dates are set in stone, some may come later or earlier than others)

Heroes and Villians Fan Fest Recap : Sometime after January 24th hopefully the week of 1/25 ( I know this is not exactly related to books btw)

I'll Give You The Sun Review: March/Febuary

Willing Widow review: March/Febuary

Best Love Stories For Valentines Day: Febuary 14th ( or close to that date)

TBR Pile update (TBD)

That is all for now, will have more content hopefully soon. I am going to try to write my recap of HVFF in two weeks so hoping to get that up as soon as I get home from that event.

Thank you everyone

Happy Reading

- Jessica


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