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Anna and The French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins Review

Book Review #1

Book: Anna and The French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins

For my first book review I will be reviewing the book Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins. This book I will admit really surprised me.I think this is one of those books that you should really not judge by its cover. I will admit that when I first saw the cover of this book I was not that impressed. I honestly thought it would be another one of those cliche teen romance type stories. Something where boy meets girl and there is some kind of misunderstanding or love life of one of the two leads that is preventing them from being together and then they get together in the end and live happily ever after.

Now do not get me wrong there are those cliches in the book. What I enjoyed about the book though is there is more to just those teen romance tropes in the book. The book I actually thought was pretty funny and had actually some culture and history in it. Before I get into that I want to talk about the story.

A quick spoiler free synopsis of the book is the story of Anna Oliphant, a senior who hopes to grow up to become a film critic and is happy with her life in Georgia working at a movie theater with her crush. Her life is turned around though when her "Nicholas Sparks writer like dad" ships her off to a boarding school in Paris for her senior year. There Anna meets new friends, new bullies, and Etienne St. Claire, the cute and nice boy who unfortunately has a girlfriend. Anna is torn between her new life in France she has a love/hate relationship with and her crush, best friend, mom, and brother at home. She also had to deal with her crush on St. Claire as well as remember her crush at home.

Upon reading my synopsis you may be thinking "How is this not a cliche teen romance story?" Like I said though it does have those themes of young love rom com type of story, but again it is more than just that. The book is actually really funny. I found myself laughing a few times out loud at some of the situations in the book. Like at one part [Spoiler Alert] St Claire had slept in Anna's room ( nothing actually happened btw) and when he wakes up he accidentally hits her boob.That I thought was funny. Another part of the book that I enjoyed was the parts when the characters were actually in Paris and [Spoiler Alert] St Claire was showing Anna around and explaining about the history of certain places in Paris and even the story of how Rasputin had died.

There is not much to say about this book. Honestly I did enjoy it, I was not a whole fan of some of the cliches but I still enjoyed it. I did not see much chemistry between St. Claire and Anna at first, but as the story went on I started to like them together more and more. I enjoyed Stephanie Perkins writing as well and do want to read Lola and the Boy Next Door and the other books she has written.

3 & 1/2 out of 5 Stars

*** 1/2 out of 5

- Jessica

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